Wine Club Spring Pickup Party

Wine Club Spring Pickup Party😁

The Spring Pickup party is a large time! This is our very popular crawfish boil. We have all the fixin’s to go with your crawfish!

Wine Club members can come pick up their quarterly boxes anytime between 12-6pm on Sunday, March 17th* and receive a complementary glass of wine and a free plate of food**

Food is served at 2pm and music by King V is from from 2-5pm 


*if you are not able to make it to the pickup party, please email with the time/date you will be able to pick your box up. Boxes will be shipped to your address on file 2 weeks after the pickup party if we do not hear from you. 

**complimentary glasses are only given out at the pickup party. Guests are welcome to join the party with members but must pay an additional $20/plate and must purchase their own wine.

Texas Independence Day Jam music fest is almost here!Click Here For More Info